
Dr. Kathleen Cohen, Professor of Art History
Department of Art and Art History
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA 95192

James Bonacci
Graduate Student
School of Art and Design
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA 95192
Web: TBD
James was the Web Master for the class, helping all groups with their
respective web sites, technical questions, server access, etc.
He also fixed some older web sites and added them to this Paris web
site, including the sectons on The Academy, Architecture, and Technology.
He also finalized the main Paris page with maps to the specific sites.

Judy Parsons
Graduate Student
School of Art and Design
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA 95192
Web: TBD
Judy was responsible for creating the images for the main Paris page.
She also worked on the Symbolism web site.

The students of Art History 198 - Spring and Fall Semesters 2000:

Cindy Ahuna, Bardia Behravesh, Andres Cardenas, Linda Choy, Chris Der, Danita Fleck, Sundown Hazen, Stephan Hechenberger,
Wendy Hoang, Ho-Zung (April) Chou, Elizabeth Houshmand-Shafii, Maureen Jann, Omar Khalio, Victoria Killins, Kam Lau,
Sean Monaghan, Jordan Paraso, Jeff Pizzo, Nora Raggio, Mike Rodgers, Denise Ruiz, Mason Saffi, Zach Sampson, Anna Shih,
and Allison Venbenthuysen (we apologize for any names unintentionally left off this list).

For specific credits, please see each of the 19th Century Paris web sites.